
Customer testimonials.

Testimonial 01


“Also the customer service is phenomenal. I would purchase again.“

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				“Also the customer service is phenomenal. I would purchase again.“

Testimonial 02


“Great tags, Millie has got used to it, nothing like the old tin tags of years gone by. Light weight and great colours available.“


Jennifer C

/ Orlando, FL

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				<li class="list-inline-item fs-14 text-primary mr-0"><i class="fas fa-star"></i></li>
				<li class="list-inline-item fs-14 text-primary mr-0"><i class="fas fa-star"></i></li>
				<li class="list-inline-item fs-14 text-primary mr-0"><i class="fas fa-star"></i></li>
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				<li class="list-inline-item fs-14 text-primary mr-0"><i class="fas fa-star"></i></li>
			<p class="card-text mb-7 fs-20 font-weight-600 text-primary">
				“Great tags, Millie has got used to it, nothing like the old tin tags of years gone by. Light weight and great colours available.“
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				<img src="../../images/testimonials-06.png" alt="testimonial-03" class="mr-4">
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					<h4 class="text-secondary fs-15 font-weight-bold text-uppercase mb-1 letter-spacing-01">Jennifer C</h4>
					<p class="card-text">/ Orlando, FL</p>

Testimonial 03


“Amazing product. The results are so transformative in texture and my face feels plump and healthy.“

Kathleen C.

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			<img src="../../images/testimonial-12.png" alt="testimonial-12" class="mb-7">
			<p class="card-text mb-8 fs-34 font-weight-500 text-primary lh-13">
				“Amazing product. The results are so transformative in texture and my face feels plump and healthy.“
			<h4 class="fs-15 font-weight-bold text-uppercase letter-spacing-01">Kathleen C.</h4>